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  • Do I have to learn OOP PHP for web devel

Do I have to learn OOP PHP for web development?

The first time I learned PHP, it was procedural, not object oriented, first time through video tutorials, the second time through a website tutorial on PHP 7. I started a few web projects (eCommerce and discussion forum) which used procedural PHP for database management. Now, searching through the web, I just now find that procedural PHP is bad for web development. Are you serious!!! Do I really have to relearn PHP, but object oriented. I don't have a problem with OOP, in fact, I already know C++, C#, Java and Python, but do I really have to relearn PHP the OOP way? This is really frustrating
All you really need to learn is HTML IMO. Everything else is sparkle and dazzle on the cake.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
One of the main reasons I hate web development is because it is very faddy...
Seriously, I feel like nobody here knows about web development. Is this forum really just "C++-centric"? I could have asked this in another forum, but I ain't got time>
All you really need to learn is HTML IMO. Everything else is sparkle and dazzle on the cake.

You need CSS to put those dazzling colors to life and JavaScript to make those candles move around =D
I just now find that [non-object-oriented] PHP is bad for web development.

Consider: is non-OO C++ bad for applications development?
(See: http://www.stroustrup.com/oopsla.pdf .)

I'm hesitant to say anything because I know precious little about PHP and its community. However, I'm inclined to dismiss that claim out-of-hand.

It is possible that parts of your program could be improved by applying object-oriented concepts. You should apply them where they yield the best solution and not elsewhere.

Many such decisions warrant a cost-benefit analysis. Things are rarely as simple as "never use X".
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I feel like nobody here knows about web development.

You'd be wrong. First mistake. Not everyone is as interested in talking about web development here as you are.

Is this forum really just "C++-centric"?

Pretty much.

I could have asked this in another forum, but I ain't got time>

That was your second mistake. Wasting YOUR time asking a question in a forum that is not dedicated to web development, when the smart move would have been to ask the questions in a forum that does discuss web development from the start.

I come here to discuss C/C++, not web development. If/when I want to talk about the latter I go elsewhere.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Rbuen4455 wrote:
Seriously, I feel like nobody here knows about web development. Is this forum really just "C++-centric"? I could have asked this in another forum, but I ain't got time>
I would have thought it would have been more prudent to ask a php question on a php or webdev forum.

and wrote:
I started a few web projects (eCommerce and discussion forum) which used procedural PHP for database management. Now, searching through the web, I just now find that procedural PHP is bad for web development.
I would be with mbozzi and doubt that procedural PHP is bad, in a poor quality or a low standard way, per se. Maybe they think that procedural code can get harder to follow and reason about as the code base evolves.

I personally find OO code easier to reacquaint myself with after I leave it for some time.
That was your second mistake. Wasting YOUR time asking a question in a forum that is not dedicated to web development, when the smart move would have been to ask the questions in a forum that does discuss web development from the start.

I come here to discuss C/C++, not web development. If/when I want to talk about the latter I go elsewhere.

Aah...but this is the lounge, to discuss topics not related to C++ programming, is it not? I'm pretty confident that there are some that have at least, or even full knowledge of web development and PHP.

You'd be wrong. First mistake. Not everyone is as interested in talking about web development here as you are.

Honey, I don't talk about mainly web development. I love all aspects of software development. I even got started on Android app development and had fun with it. I also come here asking questions about C++, Video Games and ask questions all the time about C++ and whether or not my code is correct.

BTW, the last forum that was dedicated to web development, whenever I asked a question and even if there was one small mistake I made in my JavaScript, they would always be uptight and snotty about it. They were no help. I come here asking about C++, and even the slightest mistake I made, people were always helpful. I only asked this question in a desperate matter. I had nowhere else to go.
I would have thought it would have been more prudent to ask a php question on a php or webdev forum.

Problem is the one's I've personally been on haven't been of help. I made a couple of mistakes on my JavaScript code and they were quick to be uptight about it. At that time, I was just learning, and of course you're bound to mistakes, but the guy has the nerve and I asked it in a polite way
All I wanted to know is, is procedural programming really frowned upon? At least for PHP, I found it quick and easy to use. It is messy, but I can manage.
First you say that you think nobody here knows about Web development and then right after you ask a question about Web development.

Which one is it?
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