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  • Suggestion: Disallow noobs from making n

Suggestion: Disallow noobs from making new threads.

Pages: 12
Aren't you tired of the crap that is being posted on our forum? We could prevent that by simply disallowing new players from making posts! The fact of the matter is, they are ruining this forum with what they post. This forum is a really good resource without them. I want to know what you guys think about this idea and what you think about aprils first and how this post is a joke even though it might be too early for most of you. If I weren't early it wouldn't work. But more importantly I want to know how people will respond to this thread. From my point of view, we can greatly improve this forum in this way. And I hope everybody here feels the same way. Because at the end of the day, really this is all what matters.

In short,
Keep a requirement so that newbies can't post new threads. Like a post count limit or a date limit. This will improve the quality of our topics.
If you're talking about the Lounge forum, then yes I can agree. If you're talking about the Forum as a whole, I'll have to disagree. The whole point of the forums are to help others with C++ and explore the language. Yes, it's a shame that recent threads are these "do my homework" type threads, but there are also times where a person genuinely wants to learn. We can't allow a few rotten apples to ruin the whole bunch. If you don't like a particular thread, just simply ignore it.
Agreed. Anybody below 591 posts should not be allowed to post in the Lounge.
Up yours.
Agreed. But 591 is a bit high though. 328 posts might be a better requirement.
A change like you propose just isn’t going to happen here, joke or not.
I love the idea, just so long as everyone is forced to like my youtube videos and subscribe before they are allowed to post as well. (Come one, pump those views). <- notice no link, that was a joke. I'm sorry if your question is at all related to my thread about the YT series.

Dude, I was actually upset after reading the header and first sentence. Great one. Caught me skimming.

But for the serious bit, no I've been here a long time and one of the best parts about all the forums is that I'm allowed to say/ask the stupid so that others can correct my stupid. An sometimes that goes beyond just coding-related stupid-ness.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
Mark Twain wrote:
"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year."

I hate April fools...the odd prank carried out by friends is one thing but the 'having to question everything' of the day gets lame very quickly.
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Hey come on man Grey Wolf, the day hardly began.. don't give it out yet! play along! I planned this yesterday and posted this early so that I will be in time to fool at least a few people.

pls edit it out or people will spot it ;'(

Edit: I hate you grey wolf! 😢
I entered this page like five times to see if you had edited. Turns out you did edit. 😐

It would have been awesome if eberybodg just replied agreeing with the idea.. That would have been awesome if somebody fell for it then. They would have been really confused.
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This is a great idea. Though personally I think the number should be 599 600, because clearly there's still some junk that gets through.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
Grime wrote:
I hate you grey wolf!
I have no problem with that.

and wrote:
It would have been awesome if eberybodg just replied agreeing with the idea.. That would have been awesome if somebody fell for it then. They would have been really confused.
Any other day and this would look like troll shit...tomorrow this will look like troll shit...and for places that don't have 'April fools' this would be troll shit.

I'm not sure what your aim is here, to trigger someone so you can publicly humiliate them or do you want a noob to see it and think twice about joining here?either way I don't see much fun or awesomeness in it.

Kill Joy.
Your opinion. I guess you don't like having things different once in a while.

How would this humiliate anybody anyway? And why would the title of some post on some subforum which would soon be flooded to the backpages make a newbie who doesn't visit that subforum feel unwelcome? And really do you think a site that doesn't allow new users to post can be classified as a forum? Your argument simply makes no sense.

I don't see why you're making this such a big deal. It's just a joke. Don't tell me you didn't fall for it even just for a second. That's the point.
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Grime wrote:
I don't see why you're making this such a big deal. It's just a joke.

It is because this thread is not funny.

Grime wrote:
Don't tell me you didn't fall for it even just for a second. That's the point.

We all got your point.

You are missing the bigger point.

Disclaimer: I agree with Grey Wolf’s assessment of April Fools. It’s a craptastic holiday created by a-holes to condone a-holery.

See, things like letting ’80s hippies get a hold of the forum’s CSS for a day, or announcing that the Statue of Liberty is going to get a $7.5 billion hip replacement, or redefining PI to 3, or advertisements for left-handed toilet paper, or even the horrid collection of LOLcats Facebook posts or Twitter tweets — they all can be recognized for the harmless stupid they are.

But there is a dark side to a lot of it too... like your post.

It is not lighthearted and funny to tell people “go away, you are not wanted.”

Some companies, like MS, understand the problem with AFD. It has a moral problem at its core, and has a track record of riding slippery slopes to their logical conclusions: abusing people who are gullible internally honest (AKA “without guile”) in often unkind ways.

By the way, have you looked at your ceiling lately? The spiders keep hoping you don’t.

I (and others) also do not particularly like feeling obligated to say something. See, a thread like this is a demand community discussion. And as a regular, recognizable poster on this forum, ignoring a topic like this is very near to agreeing to the underlying sentiment, if not straight-up indifference.

See, we take ownership of our little forum, and keep the best interests of its users at the forefront. We like this forum, specifically because it is friendly and inviting.

Your joke is a hard slap in the face for that. Furry Guy and Grey Wolf are spot on to tell you to go screw yourself.

Grime wrote:
How would this humiliate anybody anyway?

The fact that you do not understand says loads, IMO.

You’re a faux intellectualist, with poor taste to boot.

Hint: If you want to complain about “post quality” then do so, but make it your opinion so that others can properly ignore you. Not this amiright? BS.

And if the two-or-three-times-a-semester flood of do-my-homework posts bothers you too much, take your “post quality” mentality to SO. They might make you a moderator with an attitude like that.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Grime wrote:
Your argument simply makes no sense.
and wrote:
Don't tell me you didn't fall for it even just for a second.
So which is it? If my argument makes no sense and it is unbelievable and no-one would fall for it...then why ask if I fell for it? If I fell for it then it is believable and it could be easily taken wrong...

PS. Are you having fun yet, I am?

closed account (367kGNh0)
"Have you had enough of the people who utter nothing but that which irritates you, hire a PC virus flashbang today, and remove their ability to see evil. Order now and we'll give you the PC speaker hack, and remove their ability to hear evil the very second they turn on audio!"
closed account (367kGNh0)
'having to question everything' of the day gets lame very quickly.

Such a motive can be more thought-provoking, moving, motivational, intellectual and therefore, more worthy to be enforced...
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You seem to confuse that which is voluntary with that which is forced.
closed account (367kGNh0)
I said it is worthy to be enforced, not it IS being enforced
Yes, and I said you are confused (for believing that).

And I am not the one who reported you.
closed account (367kGNh0)

Yes, and I said you are confused (for believing that).

Can you elaborate?
Pages: 12