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  • Have you witnessed Anti-intellectualism?

Have you witnessed Anti-intellectualism?

Pages: 12
closed account (367kGNh0)
Have you ever seen anything anti-intellectual? It sounds interesting to see people not want people to question things, where have you seen it? What was it like? The Simpsons (Old one, not the modern, intellect declining, puke) showed what looked like a hint to America somehow wanting Americans to avoid reading. Are people trying to discourage reading for pleasure?
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
The first thing that came to mind when I saw Anti-intellectualism was the Khmer Rouge Killing Fields...bit dark but there you are...I guess it sticks in your head a bit.
Have you ever seen anything anti-intellectual?

All the time.

Notably, I've heard various people claim that
- the Earth is flat;
- genetic modification is unsafe;
- climate change is a hoax;
- vaccines are a health hazard;
- the experts are wrong (on any sort of topic);
Each position is characterized by a lack of understanding or trust in objective evidence (all of which is contrary) in favor of propaganda.

There are lots of people who
a.) distrust objective conclusions;
b.) lack the education to locate and understand objective evidence;
c.) think that "research" is as trivial as typing a loaded question into Google;
d.) don't know how to be wrong; and
e.) insist that their opinion on anything is just as good as anyone else's.
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closed account (367kGNh0)
was the Khmer Rouge Killing Fields

Could you elaborate?
closed account (367kGNh0)
All the time.

Notably, I've heard various people claim that
- the Earth is flat;
- genetic modification is unsafe;
- climate change is a hoax;
- vaccines are a health hazard;
- the experts are wrong (on any sort of topic);
Each position is characterized by a lack of understanding or trust in objective evidence (all of which is contrary to the position) in favor of propaganda.

That isn't what I mean :). I would call tehm those who lack intellect, I mean those who WANT people to lack intellect https://www.yourdictionary.com/anti-intellectualism
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Could you elaborate?

Cambodian state-sponsored genocide. The Khmer Rouge regime arrested and eventually executed almost everyone suspected of connections with the former government or with foreign governments, as well as professionals and intellectuals. It is believed to be 2.2 million people from a population of 8 million.
I would call them those who lack intellect, I mean those who WANT people to lack intellect
[dictionary link]

I described anti-intellectuals. People who publicly make the claims I listed reject overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of propaganda and hearsay, and wish others to do the same.

They are not typically genocidal, though....
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
closed account (367kGNh0)

Who was that directed to?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Who was that directed to?

No-one in particular, just a bit more information than "A sentiment of hostility towards, or mistrust of, intellectuals and intellectual pursuits."
a.) distrust objective conclusions;
b.) lack the education to locate and understand the objective evidence;
c.) think that "research" is as trivial as typing a loaded question into Google;
d.) don't know how to be wrong; and
e.) insist that their opinion on anything is just as good as anyone else's.
I don't think these are, strictly speaking, characteristics of anti-intellectuals. Rather I think you're describing people who either lack critical thinking skills or are just simply uneducated.

I'd say the main characteristic of anti-intellectualism is opposition to high education. Curiously, during the Great Purge university students and professors were considered bourgeois and persecuted, while right-wing dictatorships tend to consider universities places where communist thinking spreads.
(Obviously, in a place with lots of smart people all sorts of ideas spread more easily, which is a problem for a dictatorial government.)
If you wanted a shorter list, should have asked "Where have you seen intellectualism?"


^IQ > 9000
closed account (367kGNh0)

I'm sorry, his speech lacked formality, I couldn't bare listening to him for over 30 seconds, I don't want to become a speaker like him, rather like Micheal Stevens and Jigsaw (Micheal for wits, jigsaw for how he structures his speech)
I even have to formulate my sentences before hand

me: hears someone swear "The... profanity which pollutes your speech is merely depressing. You have allowed (xyz) to make you utter that which is ill without even hesitation"
A sentiment of hostility towards, or mistrust of, intellectuals and intellectual pursuits.

Seen plenty of that growing up in the Soviet Union, where "intellegent" was an actual common insult and "engineer" meant "loser".. but that country is long gone.
I'm sorry, his speech lacked formality, I couldn't bare listening to him for over 30 seconds

It's a Youtube video, nothing professional like a debate, so it's to be expected. To each their own though I suppose. I find nothing wrong with swearing personally.
helios wrote:
I don't think these are, strictly speaking, characteristics of anti-intellectuals.

Yes, I think you're right.
That list projects those traits onto anti-intellectuals (in particular, the more aggressive kind of vaccine-hesitants.) I'm prejudiced, I suppose. I'll work on it.

Cubbi wrote:
Seen plenty of that growing up in the Soviet Union, where "intelligent" was an actual common insult and "engineer" meant "loser".. but that country is long gone.

I am quite unfamiliar with the relevant history, but anti-intellectualism is not a trait that I associate with the Soviet Union.

I know that certain fields of research were suppressed, sometimes in favor of pseudoscience -- Lysenkoism is the usual example -- but there's still a lot of work that is credited to Soviet scientists. How were such developments successful in an environment so unfriendly to intellectuals?

For (lack of) context, my perspective is distinctly American. I'm not keen on sharing my age, but the Soviet Union had dissolved before I was born.

(Look at me, making a fool of myself :))
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I'm not keen on sharing my age, but the Soviet Union had dissolved before I was born.

Hey, as long as you're not lying about your age to pretend to be a child, in order to deceive other children into private communication with you, or anything equally as creepy and disturbing, we'll let you off ;)
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closed account (367kGNh0)
Hey, as long as you're not lying about your age to pretend to be a child, in order to deceive other children into private communication with you, or anything equally as creepy and disturbing, we'll let you off ;)

Agreed, any adult to does this should be arrested. Also, why are you doing a ";)" do you realise this can be interpreted in explicit ways, and already is:

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closed account (367kGNh0)
genetic modification is unsafe

You mean most of this world believes GMOs are safe??

Goodness we are doomed. America won't go hungry, it'll spout eggs out it's mouth wait to die. Many don't live. Just breathe and use resources
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mbozzi wrote:
there's still a lot of work that is credited to Soviet scientists. How were such developments successful in an environment so unfriendly to intellectuals?

Note how those were all in math and fundamentals: in my experience, most scientists were in it to escape reality. It did make a nice counter to Western culture, where science powers technology. When I was visiting german and american professors looking for postdoc opportunities, they all agreed that my PhD research was awesome, but they had no way to work it into a grant (I ended up in USA doing postdoc on something practical, but entirely unrelated)

Rascake wrote:
most of this world believes GMOs are safe?

Sadly, anti-GMO marketing campaigns appear to be successful worldwide despite being profoundly idiotic.
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Pages: 12