The decision will be made for you

closed account (367kGNh0)
I quite enjoy coming up with original sayings on the spot. Recently I came up with:

"Those who make the decisions for you, usually make them for themselves"

Do you agree, what do you think I mean by this and can you give an example of a scenario this can be at play(e.g man walking elderly woman across the road, may do it just to look good.)?
So you’re saying the person is only helping because it is beneficial to them?
Are you saying this is always the case? Because in that case, no I disagree.

For example: If I were to show a random stranger where something is.

I am not doing it for myself, because it doesn’t affect me. I’m never going to see them again, so I have no motivation, and yet I still show them.

If you really mean USUALLY then I completely agree yes.
An example of that?
Something like a college saying they will help you on finding the best college, maybe?
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