Portal 2!!!

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Am I the only one here going crazy with anticipation for April 19th?
Awh I definitely saw this face http://cdn1.knowyourmeme.com/system/icons/3617/original/okayguy.jpg?1283381711 when you said that.
Yes x 2.

I turn 16 on April 19th. Screw video games.
Portal 2 is going to pwn.

I'm not a big gamer but that game is going to be so sweet.
I was kidding :P I can't wait.
@Disch Thanks - that was the kind of opinion I was hoping for ;)

@Seraphimsan I can't tell if you're still joking, but hopefully you're not :P
I'm thinking about getting this game. Do I need to know the "story" of Portal 1 for Portal 2?
Valve is my all time favorite game company, I've played through half life 2, HL2 Ep1, and HL2 ep2 about a million times, I beat portal the day it came out, but only because i didn't put it down for a full 20 hours. I regularly have LAN parties (with only 3-4 people including my self) to play L4D/L4D2...aaaand I've clocked in about 300 hours in the past 2 years playing TF2....Needless to say... I cannot wait for Portal 2 :D
Do I need to know the "story" of Portal 1 for Portal 2?

The story of portal is that some automatic testing system screws you many times over, going so far as making you euthanize your companion cube, and then you destroy it in the end, along with the whole research facility (and yourself). You never get your cake btw.
That's debatable, after Still Alive there is a cake :)
Thanks Hanst99. :)

Do I need to know the "story" of Portal 1 for Portal 2?

If you preorder Portal 2 you get Portal 1 for free AFAIK.

I only discovered Valve about a year ago, I'm sorry to say. However, since then I have capitalized on many of their sales to complete by Valve collection. I got Portal 1 for free, Orange box for £3.75, L4D for £4 and L4d2 for £4.24 and CS for £3.75 XD

I am almost at the end of HL2 original atm, but I suspect it will be temporarily abandoned for Portal 2...

In conclusion, I too love Valve for some of the best games ever! :D

Portal 2: awesome!
Half-Life 3: Zo0o0o0o0ommggzoor0r0rzzz AWWESOOMEZ !!!!11!!1!
I dunno, not really. I was never really into puzzle games...
Me neither. But Portal is the exception. Heh. Exception.

EDIT: I saw it on promotion for free so I just thought I'd try it. I soon caught Portal fever...
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@xander333..I don't think there will be a Half-Life 3. I'm pretty sure that's why they are doing the episode installments. With this they can take more time to finish the story while not pissing off everyone with wait times, while at the same time updating each game with better graphics/physics etc...oh and make 3 times as much money :P
@Seraph Do you think? I was hoping for episode 3 [i]and[/]HL3. Not that I was counting on them coming out any time soon :(
I'm hoping that too, but I remember hearing/reading something about the ep installment was how they were doing things.
I can't wait to lay my hands on Portal 2 or Half Life (2 episode: ) 3.. Also, I believe the hold up was a partial rewrite of the story because of the fact that dr. Breen can't return as a character; the voice actor passed away somewhere in march last year.
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