Death by 1000 Programming Sins

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closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
Albatross wrote:
Hah! I only hop with one foot on the newest techniques!

Be sure to poke it with a stick first to see if it'll bite you before using your foot.
167. Enums with two values where a bool would have sufficed. Unity3D has one, SendMessageOption with values RequireReciever and DontRequireReciever.
What's the problem with that? It certainly beats magic numbers.
It would be easier to have the third argument in that Method 'bool requireReciever' so I could write false rather than SendMessageOption.DontRequireReciever. It's probably just me, I have bad eyesight and zooms in, and I dislike horizontal scrolling.
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168. Typing = instead of ==, or vice versa.
Maybe they want to add options later, although in your case it does sound like a bool would be alot better.
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