What makes you answer posts? - An 8 Bit Quiz

Pages: 12
I'm eager to know what is it that makes you all come on here and use your time answering posts. You can choose multiple answers by using bitwise OR. Or suggest additional reasons.

0. I don't answer posts.
1. Pure generosity
2. Because it's easier than coding
4. Because some questions, even if not hard, make you think about problems that you wouldn't otherwise, so that you can learn something too.
8. In the hope that the favour will be returned when you need help.
16. To be a part of the (mostly :p) friendly community.
32. Because you remember how tough it was when you started.
64. Boredom
128. To express indignation at trolls/other annoying posters
And if you are the troll, then get the hell off my thread :p
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My main reason is boredom, but also because I remember how baffled I was by programming as a beginner so I'd like to help new beginners on their way.
I remember how baffled I was by programming as a beginner so I'd like to help new beginners on their way.

That's a good one - it's now added.

I've put boredom on there too, that's probably one of mine. It's similar to number 2, but that depends on how much of your time you spend coding.
EDIT: For example, right now I'm *supposed* to be revising for a physics exam ^^
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Mostly 2.
0100 0000 || 0000 0010 :-P
You know that's 1, right?
not if it's in english?

guess reason no 27: trolling?
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
To keep in shape. I don't constantly code (and when I do, I spend most of the time on designing, psh). Answering questions helps me keep my mind in C++ mode.
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hamsterman wrote:
You know that's 1, right?

0100 0000 || 0000 0010 == 0100 0010 == 2^7 + 2^2 = 130, surely? Even if you disregard the 2^7 due to my quiz being only 6bit, you get 2, right?
Firstly, this is 26 and 21. Note that 0000 0001 = 1 = 20.

Though the problem is that || is logical or, | is bitwise or.

edit: Though I admit the silliness of my comment. It doesn't matter whether you use || or |, this only makes sense if you say it in English. I suppose the right way to write this would be
int choice() {
   return rand() % 2 ? 0x40 : 0x02;
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(0000 0100 | 0000 1000 | 0001 0000)
I'd definitely say #4. You always find that you really don't know everything when some people propose questions to you. Sometimes they are easy, but sometimes they are really hard (kind of like short words with complex meanings)
145. That is all.

4: I started answering questions when I was pretty new at this stuff as well. Back then I would read someones problem and research it myself inside and out then post an answer. The feed back I got from this site told me how much I had yet to learn on the subject. Sometimes I wish I would get back into this habbit.

8: I will admit I am supersticious, I know that people on this site don't look at the OP's name and ask them self "Well has he contributed here recently?". But I feel like Karma has a role in my questions getting answered.

16: The atmosphere is what keeps me coming back to this site in particular despite the relative size of other communities.

32: Ultimitly this, I can't tell you how much time I've wasted running in circles with this language or how much I thought I learned only to have to go back and relearn it again and again. I've probably made every mistake you could at some point or another. I know the error codes on the IDE's almost as well as I know the language, to me they aren't actually ambiguous.

EDIT: I actually missed the BITWISE portion of your post Xander314, I may come back and edit it after my first cup of coffee.
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mcrist wrote:
I'd definitely say #4.

Same here.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Where's the "Because I wish to show my superiority" option?
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Where's the "Because I wish to show my superiority" option?

EDIT: This is the third time I've had to repost this, wtf.
@hamsterman Sigh - as usual I've managed to act with an unsurpassed degree of stupidity. Even as I typed it myself, I didn't register that || was logical and not bitwise OR. And I can't believe I got my powers of 2 wrong T_T

@many I agree - 4 is a major reason.

@Albatross I should have guessed you'd get an odd number ;)

@computergeek My original selection was basicaly the same as yours, although I may update things since I answered it before I added many of the options (and I have currently deleted my answer pending revision)

@computerquip If you can come up with 7 other options, maybe I'll add it. I don't want a 9 bit quiz! However, you may use bits 17-32 to define custom options - that is, if you can be bothered to write that many zeros :P
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4, 8 and 16. I try to help wherever I can, however I'm the receiving end myself, most of the time :p
I got a total of 31 out of 255 points...
Pages: 12