Thought type

Are you a procedure thinker when you code or are you sporatic.

I find myself wandering to other ideas and coming right back them when I code.
I tend to write multiple sentences semi-concurrently, switching between them, to the effect that I sometimes forget to finish sentences (some people may have noticed it on this forum; I've done it a few times and not noticed until a while later). I do the same thing in programming, but I tend to make pairs of source and header files with one struct and some functions that operate on it in every pair. At the moment I have one project which is about 600 LOC (written in about two hours this morning) in 18 files. Anyway, since I have my programs fragmented so much, I'm constantly switching between files which leads to the same problem as with writing. I don't seem to forget to finish lines in programming as much as I do in English, though, which is good.
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