C++ and graphics

Hello everybody! I am an intermediate C++ programmer, and I hope to finish my study of the language by the end of summer. My question is that what you should do next, if you want to create a game or a GUI program?


closed account (zb0S216C)
For creating a GUI application, I recommend Qt[1]: A framework dedicated to the creation of GUIs. It's simple, but effective. As for games, which I assume you mean a graphical library, then I recommend that you use SFML[2]: A library for audio, graphics, networking, and I/O.

Fill your boots :)

[1] http://qt.nokia.com/products/
[2] http://www.sfml-dev.org/

Thank you Framework! Oh and what do you think about OpenGL?
SFML uses OpenGL under the hood, so it is tied very closely.

If you want to use OpenGL directly, I would still recommend SFML because:

1) It makes loading textures infinitely easier.
2) It handles things OpenGL doesn't, like audio, device input, window management, etc.
3) It lets you ignore its graphics wrapper and make OpenGL calls directly.
Thank you Disch for the info. I will sure try SFML when I get there.
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