I wish that Visual Studio was more colorful

Pages: 12
I.. I love everything about that.
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
The new Visual Studio 2012 comes with a built-in dark theme which looks absolutely amazing. It's clean, minimalistic, and I've never gone back since.

Holy crap, how did I not find this before. Thanks!
Dark themes just seem so.... so.....

I just get imagery of a teenager in their parent's basement.
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Dark themes just seem so.... so.....

Easier on the eyes for longer periods of time?
I almost feel my eyeballs being sucked out.
I prefer dark themes for what Darkestfright said. Since I'm usually in a dimmly lit room staring at a full screened straight white background gets tiring on my eyes. Havn't had that happen with a darker theme. That being said, I also don't like dark themes that have a straight black background since the contrast with font is too harsh.
I think the default theme is good and simple--cause I like simple stuffs-- and I also use Code::Blocks...very plain looks
closed account (4SyAqMoL)
I use Dev C++ ;)
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Pages: 12