is dream in code admin 'out to get me'?

Pages: 123
yeh :D i only wanted to retrieve code and advise i never got to read, i got it back and the chip on my shoulder is gone, i agree with everyone else too, i would never misbehave here, this is proof i care ^_^
i dont know bout that mr fish, i got my shizzle back
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devonrevenge wrote:
i dont know bout that mr fish, i got my shizzle back
devonavenge wrote:
@Catfish2 I'm not so sure about that; I've gotten my mind in the right mindset now.
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By the way, devon, it's not a matter of people with mental health issues being excluded. "squiffy mind syndrome and bungler syndrome" don't actually exist, you made them up. Also, I guarantee that hundreds of other DIC members have ADD, and haven't gotten themselves banned.

You're annoying. That's probably what got you banned.
they do too, sure i cant remember their real names, and banning someone cos they are annoying is hardly mature either, plus i got my pills now so UTBNB

p.s. so are you but this is something that should be irrelevant
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@thatSpecificGuy I wouldn't call him annoying; he just doesn't seem to care at all to put any effort into being polite or to use proper grammar, spelling, and other conventions. He is highly persistent and optimistic, though, and he has amazing self-control of his emotions. He just has a little work and maturing to do, that's all.

@devonrevenge: banning an annoying person may be immature, but you have to realize it is just a coping mechanism. They don't want to deal with you, so they ban you. You don't want to deal with spelling, grammar, punctuation, so you just don't. See the relationship?
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closed account (z05DSL3A)

The problem would seem to be that there are rules, you broke them and got benched. It is probably not a wise idea to start alienating people here.
Banning someone for being annoying is a quality control thing. Personality compatibility issues are more important than you realize. Not only can they get you banned from an internet forum, they can also get you fired from a job. It's not immature, it's a matter of maintaining a higher morale for the other users and higher quality of forum. If you let it become overrun with annoying people, the useful, less annoying people will simply go elsewhere.

I personally don't think you're as annoying as some other people seem to think you are, but the fact of the matter is it seems that many people find you annoying. This will be problematic for you not only on the Dream in Code forums, but most everywhere you go.

So you have three choices:

1) You can accept that you're going to get banned from places and drift until you find someplace that accepts you for who you are and hang out there.

2) You can try to work on your personality quirks so that you get along with more people.

3) You can backlash and act hostile towards the people that ban you.

Note that #3 is not only "not mature", it also will only serve to make you more of a close-in and will intensify the parts of your personality that people find annoying. If you keep doing it, it could become a downward spiral and make the situation worse and worse as time goes on.
it only realy applies to dream in codei think mr disch, people here havnt been provoked, i dont think they have, also in dic they were angry that i was play sulking about bad rep points (its not a serious issue) for re-clarifying my question rather than reposting, i was a total forum beginner, i know better here.

Seriously i just meant to play i dont mean anything personal to anyone, i am annoying i know that im really sorry, i got wound up and so deserve to be wound up, it wouldn'y be fair if i made anyone else hot under the collar, genuine sry, but there is fun to be had in calling each other names i can take anything and would be sad if i ever offended
even the guy who kicked me from dic (i didnt like being called a new dic head either that was kind of offensive so maybe its for the best)

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I seem to recall it also happening on Stack Overflow... but maybe I'm confusing you with someone else?

Ah well.... whatever. I've said what I wanted to say, and I think it's good advice. What you wan to do with it is up to you.

I think it's safe to say that you've been able to find a home here, so you should be okay regardless. =)
yayy i like you guys too, im surpised at how much time people put into each other, i think the internet is the only thing that could save the human race, with better communication villages stopped invading each other it was counties, then countries, thats why the world wars had such large effects, the internet might be the thing that makes mankind mankind, ive never used stack overflow...i dont get how the site works.

plus im used to flame wars and arguing with bigots on political sites so i thought everywhere on the net was course
Theres not enough war. I think that warfare will save the human race.
well i think its natural human behavior, awful consequences but as normal as eating in groups and burying the dead...i think its present in sociology books so i guess it is normal, its also good for the economy, that or arms dealers have a monopoly.

heres an interesting fact for you, the arms dealing company that belonged to george bush seniors dad supplied the ss!

i always wondered why the americans didnt help us till we beat their airforce, i used to think they were scared of planes but know i think they were waiting to see wich side was winning
devonrevenge wrote:
well i think its natural human behavior, awful consequences but as normal as eating in groups and burying the dead
Finally someone else besides me realizes that a lot of our human instincts are bad and could be thrown out for a better society! I'm seriously tired of being driven by instinct more than by moral values and logic.

This post has been scanned for sarcasm and has been found to be fully literal with no traces of sarcasm.
closed account (zb0S216C)
devonrevenge wrote:
"banning someone cos they are annoying is hardly mature either"

I agree with you to some degree. Banning somebody because the moderator has the power to do so is immature, but banning someone because they're annoying is hardly immature. Why? Because annoying users are probably considered "pollution" to the forum (like "using namespace" inside a header) and nobody wants pollution waltzing around. I guess if somebody displays troll-like behaviour on a forum, others with join in, so I guess it's the reasonable choice to get rid of that person before the troll-like behaviour spreads.

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In other words, you're a non-living virus to be eradicated with the force of a hefty banhammer.
well isnt that what the lounge is for? so long as its not offensive, to get non topic anoyingness off the important pages?? this is actually quite a constructive topic right now but someone could view this as an annoying opinion.

change the subject slightly i havnt got into the habbit of using namespace correctly or headers and source code, this is cos im learning from books and tuts, some do tell you to do it properly though and they are hard to follow, i guess its time to sort that habbit out.

and as you get older being mature becomes an unhealthy habit for some people
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devonrevenge wrote:
change the subject slightly i havnt got into the habbit of using namespace correctly or headers and source code, this is cos im learning from books and tuts, some do tell you to do it properly though and they are hard to follow, i guess its time to sort that habbit out.
devonavenge wrote:
I'd like to change the subject somewhat. I've not gotten into the habit of using namespaces or headers/source files correctly, mainly because I'm learning from books and tutorials. While some do explain it properly, I find them hard to follow, and I think it's time to straighten this out.
Can you guess which version people would like to read and write a response to?
Pages: 123