DevonRevenge's decoding challenge #1: I scrambled a sentence can you decode it(with algorithm provided)

Pages: 12
my alphabet...char zeta[27]= {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z',' '};

is that in the correct order? im dyslexic enough to never really be sure
Yes it is. Hmm...

Edit: works now.
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hamsterman: Good eye. I hadn't considered interactions between a and cipher. Actually, the same happens for cipher=3. This is because 3 is a divisor of 27. When cipher=9 it's even worse. All letters map to one of {0,9,18}.

So yeah. Bad idea to mix multiplication and modulo by a non-prime.
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Hey devon, let's communicate (I'm using the same "cipher" and alphabet).
sgetrutymodhrudwgmhgv pmpjnqcfbmynyfnpqq


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fcefqbtykfirhozblonsddpylptwevbmi atfiwpozgi opeodqk
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Pages: 12