It's taking me ages to learn c++

how long did it take you to learn c++??
Its taking me ages to learn c++ ,it took me ages to reach arrays.
How long?
That's tough to answer, I'm sure most people would say they are still learning. Also depends on if you include the STL as part of the language or not.

I'd say I was at least familiar with the most common features of the language after ~6 months to a year of casual practice and reading. Probably another year after that to call myself at least capable in working with said features, and to this day I'm still learning (2.5 years of hobbyist/student experience) new things about the language.
closed account (D4S8vCM9)
As like real life, you are never finished with learning.

I work with C++ as professional for over 10 years and discover even now new things, like to easily make templates as friends. I didn't know that before and used compiler errors to work out how a template is specialized.
I had this question when I first started learning programming. Because I was doing it on my own, I had no idea of the amount of time I should spend studying to match what schools would do, and working full-time, I had to create myself some schedule to follow. So I did ton of research on just that and read countless forums on how long things are suppose to take…

In the end, here was the result; you never really stop learning, however it takes usually 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything. If you spend 1000 hours a year, then 10 years would be the golden number.

In general it looks like it takes about 500 hours to understand all the basics of a language; arrays, functions, objects, etc. Another 1500 hours to understand more complex parts; templates/generics, smart pointers, overloading functions, (in C# you have delegates, interfaces, lambda expressions and bunch of other stuff that I don’t know what they are in C++ yet). Then 8000 hours to learn most libraries that target what you wish to do and some other languages to become well diverse.

There will always be new languages features and new libraries to learn and use. So it will never end, however. Once you’ve become familiar with a language and feel comfortable with it, learning new features only takes a few hours. Back a few months ago, C# 4.5 came out with async and await keywords. I didn’t have much of a hard time to start using them right away.

A great read is this:
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Why do people say you are never finished learning something? I'm pretty sure if you write your own programming language you'd know everything about it.
But at that point you're not learning the language, you're learning how create a language. It's a different domain.
Why do people say you are never finished learning something? I'm pretty sure if you write your own programming language you'd know everything about it.

Because new language features and new libraries...

And more importantly than that, even though you may know all of the syntax and features of a language you wrote you can still be constantly learning new ways to apply these features; when people say they are "still learning" they usually don't mean that they are still learning new syntax and language features but new ways to utilize these to solve problems, and new ways to "think in the language".
Yeah that too, there is always some new better algorithm to do something.
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