C++ Compiler

Does anyone know of any suitable online C++ Compiler that similar to Microsoft Visual C++ compiler?
Came up a few months ago on isocpp
compiler or IDE?

Visual C++ is an IDE, and Windows specific. Right now I can only think of MonoDevelop, but there are other ones.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
actually there is a visual studios compiler. and i used compilr but idk how similar it is

im not making this up. i was talking to a friend and he said he was using the visual studios compiler and i said ide and he said no compiler. so i went home and it turns out there is one
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Isn't Visual C++ the compiler and Visual Studio the IDE?
for crying out loud

It has compiling has a function, but it is definitively an IDE ( integrated development environment )

Isn't Visual C++ the compiler and Visual Studio the IDE?

They are both IDEs, Visual C++ is the free version which only has C++, which is a part of Visual Studio (the paid version).

Some IDEs include compilers, some dont. VS and Eclipse do for exemple.
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im not making this up. i was talking to a friend and he said he was using the visual studios compiler and i said ide and he said no compiler. so i went home and it turns out there is one

Visual Studio and Visual Studio Express are bundled with the (same) Visual C++ compiler, however Visual Studio and Visual Studio Express are not compilers, in the same way that Code::Blocks is not a compiler, even though it may be packaged with one depending on how you get it.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
im sorry i didnt mean studios. i dont use it so i get the terms mixed up for the visual stuff. my mistake
closed account (3qX21hU5)
I think most people missed the ONLINE part of his question lol. And to that no I have yet to find one that is reliable.
https://compilr.com looks alright, however have not tested it.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
it keeps crashing on me
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