Why pay for Macs/Apple products? They're OVERpriced!!!!!

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I myself had a dislike towards Apple, but after careful thought and consideration I realized I just really do not like the Macs. Apple strives to make its products as user friendly as possible so that every one can use it. The problem is, we developers and power-users do not fit in that category. We need to be able access the more advanced features found in Windows and Linux, but not in Macs. Think about, most computer users do nothing on their computers except for checking emails, simple web browsing and social networking. They want something simple, fun and easy to learn, and Apple provides that. Heck, i know about 30 people or so who use Mac and are willing to pay the extra $500 for it because they can be sure that it will work.
So apparently this boils down to the fact that people will pay $2,000.00 U.S.D. on a computer to use Facebook. That, in no way, justifies reasoning in spending heaps more money when you're not even doing anything of high performance in yhe first place.

It's like buying an expensive car to drive the same distance a less expensive car will get the same distance cleared with less cost, equivalent performance.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
yeah but you look cool doing in the expensive car. and if you have an expensive laptop people are gonna be like wow, that guy must be doing something important
I'd rather save more of a mean average in spending than look cool. That way I can look cool in the end with five figures in my possession, and feel good knowing I am not absorbed by mass consumerism and spending paradoxes.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
you might feel cool but unless you carry around your paycheck... theyre gonna be like wow that guy probably isnt doing stuff important
Unlike some large portion of the population I don't care if people don't think I'm cool just because I don't spend more money than I need to on a computer that is overpriced and under par.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
im just messing with you actually. i completely agree with you. im perfectly happy with my 4-gig of ram, terabyte hdd with a crappy graphics card and a dead battery
Harder for me to pick up sarcasm or not on an internet forum with no indication of the user, so I'll remain unsettled here until further notice.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
i didnt expect you to i was just having a little fun. but in all seriousness i do agree with you.
I only have fun once a year, in my computer room down in the basement dwelling in my dreams.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
what about the rest of the year?
I'm smiling ... on the outside.
I'm smiling ... on the outside.

Same thing Apple buyers say when their warranty expires, two-thosand is in the shit hole, and their HDD crashes.

We need to be able access the more advanced features found in Windows and Linux, but not in Macs

I guess you swapped Macs with Windows in this sentence.
Good 90% of developers in our company use Macs. The rest use Linux. Exactly because we are power users. I can't imagine working on a Windows machine. It can't even do copy and paste in console properly. :D

You write MBP are overpriced - I disagree. Maybe they are overpriced by 5%, not more. Comparable laptops from HP, IBM or Dell cost very similarly.

If you don't agree, just show me a similar laptop with an SSD drive, thin aluminium case, IPS screen, external graphics, battery lasting 7 hours and comparable build quality for half of the price of MBP. Just the manufacturer and model name. I'm really, really curious. The closest what I could find are Dell XPS - start from $2200 for models with SSD.
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closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
so rapidcoder, your saying that Microsoft uses macs and linuxes?

edit: he swapped macs and linux btw
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Comparable computer systems don't nearly compare to Apple product price tags.

Even the most expensive, ludocrious, pricey laptop PC with Windows usually sells for 5% less than an equivalent Mac.

And this is PURPOSELY over paying for a Windows PC.

Hate it or like it, but Windows users get the same thing a Mac will, technically speaking, for much less, intelligence is an indication of price preference if you buy something crappy for more.

Not saying Mac users are dumb, but I am saying that no smart, intellectual person would pay more for less when they know they're getting less.
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closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
what about a mortgage. im pretty sure a person would pay more for less mortgage
closed account (3qX21hU5)
What? So your willing to lets say pay for a $300k loan and only agree to take $150k? If thats the case I got some killer ocean front property in Iowa that I can sell ya, ill even contract the loan for you to ; p
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
cool! where do i sign? actually i meant loan. not like what you said, but where i have borrowed ten dollars, so i pay back 4 dollars one week, and then more (ie 5 or 6) the next. so im paying more for less
closed account (3qX21hU5)
A mortgage is a loan... and that still doesn't explain it but I think I understand what you mean. Your taking about the principle interest on a loan?
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