Lounge - December 2013 (Page 7)

by dilver
url redirection (1,2)
this is for educational purpose in a website (http://www.example.com/index.php) after the user is logged by submitting his password and username , he tri...
[24 replies] Last: "Am I missing something? " YES strongard63 : finally I find it t... (by dilver)
Cursing in source code: How often do you do it? (1,2)
The question's pretty simple: do you ever use curse words to define variables in code? ;) If it's funny, mabey you could share it with us.
[26 replies] Last: @ IWishIKnew : There should be a setting for your IDE to fail at the ... (by Computergeek01)
Processor Calculations per sec
So I'm essentially wondering how many things (operations, comparisons, filling registers, loading to/from RAM, whatever else they do) your average 3 GHZ+ proces...
[9 replies] Last: As for measuring computer performance, not that it's an SI unit or any... (by Computergeek01)
Paul Walker (1,2)
Not trying to be a 'D' or anything, but isn't it sort of ironic Paul Walker died in a fast car? I mean, he was portrayed as a great driver but then he just died...
[25 replies] Last: I too liked Rubber. (by ResidentBiscuit)
by cire
Hyperbole and a Half
Allie Brosh, the blogger, has published a book. She's also done a few interviews about the book, which I found interesting, so I thought I'd share a link: T...
[no replies]
by Snaksa
Suggestions about advanced projects and advice (1,2)
Hello! I have been learning C++ for around 2 years and I have gone through the concepts of data structures and classes. But now I finushed the two parts of the ...
[21 replies] Last: @Snaksa have you made 9x9 sudoku solver? (by NPcomplete)
by LB
Why is everyone complaining about YouTube? (1,2)
https://plus.google.com/112311439875696802437/posts/KrYjKNeYsZV Bob is all over YouTube, and people seem to hate the new comment system. I'm not sure what's ...
[36 replies] Last: I don't tend to use a web browser to watch youtube videos but when I d... (by ne555)
YouTube videos are not showing in Google chrome
YouTube videos are not showing in Google chrome Hi guys , YouTube videos won't play on my Google chrome , It just shows up as a full black in my YouTube pl...
[1 reply] : Move this to the lounge, click 'Edit Topic' and move this to the Loung... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Respond only with questions (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
How many times do games like these get posted?
[130 replies] Last: kid-ing (by Cheraphy)
Need help with password regenerator (1,2)
I believe most of you know what a password generator is. For those who don't: it's a program that can generate a random-looking password, with the exact length...
[35 replies] Last: Wow, okay thank you Catfish666 (by Script Coder)
by nvrmnd
assembly program crashing
i am trying to learn assembly but it seems that it doesn't like me: compiling and linking seems fine but this program crashes at runtime : here is the erro...
[4 replies] Last: haha, yes it's really irritating , i've just read that elf format is u... (by nvrmnd)
Political views [me VS. teacher] (1,2)
So me and my teacher had a bit of an argument for a chunk of the day. At the end of class he concluded that, and I agreed with him that the question of consider...
[20 replies] Last: I'm sorry your schooling was so awful. I don't really know how to fix ... (by Duthomhas)
ChessPlusPlus Cont.
Hi guys, I have been working on a knockoff version of ChessPlusPlus and here is what I have so far: https://github.com/usandfriends/ChessPlusPlus . C...
[7 replies] Last: Ah, thank you naraku9333 . Will make the changes soon. (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Trouble with Isometric Coordinates
So I have been trying to learn about Isometric views and the math that goes with them and have been having some troubles with it. The main trouble I am having i...
[1 reply] : Let's say that: 1. The screen y axis is positive downwards. 2. The wor... (by helios)
creating functions in assembly?
so i want to read in a file in assembly but i want to put it in a function. im having a little trouble finding out how to do it. i spent some time on google eve...
[17 replies] Last: [quote=DTSCode]all of the .Whatevers All the dot-whatevers are assemb... (by Cubbi)
Working on an album, titled C++, listen and comment?
Hey, I'm new to these forums, and am really really interested in growing into a C++ guru, I'm a musician all the time though and I'm constantly working on music...
[8 replies] Last: @Duoas - I tend to agree with your points. That melody from Blue Skies... (by Mats)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 567
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