Lounge - February 2015

I am wondering if anyone can help with Python. I need to write a program that will run Roman 1-10 with using if the user puts in 2 it should show the roman nume...
[1 reply] : Many people here could -- I could -- but this is a C and C++ forum. M... (by Duthomhas)
Switch Statements
Im trying to switch for gamerDice to PigDice if the roll a one how would I go about doing that #include<iostream> #include<ctime> #include<cstdlib> #inclu...
[1 reply] : Click the Edit Topic button at the top of this page and move this to t... (by LB)
Language simular to C++ that's higher level? (1,2)
I've been programming in C++ for a good amount of time now but it seems like I'm stuck on program design. I think it'd be easier for me to learn program design/...
[33 replies] Last: Does CLion generate those CMake files for you? It seems it does (the ... (by ezchgg)
by Myzcek
Questions about average programmer abilities
I've just started on LazyFoo's tutorials from an absolute beginner's position. It's a hobby for stress relief on my actual job, but I'm curious anyhow: Are p...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, thanks for that! (by Myzcek)
by dilver
number finding (1,2)
I tried to find the solution for this problem : a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k....=1286 (a*b*c*d*e*g*h*i*j*k....) mod 65537 = 16628 the same numb...
[25 replies] Last: "To dliver: This means there will be approximately .." there is a pr... (by dilver)
by nomnum
Something is wrong with my display
Hey guys! I am having issues reading some text on my browser. I am not looking to change my text settings, because the issue is only with a specific text, and...
[4 replies] Last: That was... uncanny, Duoas . Yes, thank you. This is sounds exactly l... (by nomnum)
c++ problem
I don't know if my if statement is wrong in this can some overlook it #include<iostream> #include<ctime> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> using namesp...
[2 replies] Last: I've been overlooking your code for a couple of hours now, it seems to... (by ModShop)
Recommended GIT Guides for Beginners?
After being a hobby coder for several years, a few people recommended that I check out GIT. So I downloaded it and am anxious to start trying it out. However...
[6 replies] Last: Also, http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2 That link should probably be your... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Looking for partners in game development
Hi there! I'm currently developping a very simple text based MMO-RTS and I'm looking for someone who would be interested in participating in its development, to...
[7 replies] Last: I understand... sounds easily doable, provided that unlike me you can ... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Viruses on windows SYSTEM ?
When i open task manager, and click "show processes from all users", i notice that many processes run under SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE usernames. I ...
[6 replies] Last: Okay fair enough littleBobby and computergeek, i understand that it's ... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Website lag?
Is this site lagging for anyone else? Normally I don't experience any problems, but today it seems to be going a lot slower than usual. I thought it was just my...
[7 replies] Last: @fun2code I'm experiencing it the same way you are. Except, the page h... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
Do professionals know every std function?
This goes for Windows programming as well. Should I memorize everything from std::ate to std::vwscanf? There's so many of them.. Do people really know how each ...
[5 replies] Last: thanks, guys. awesome answers. (by kong288)
Dice game loops
hi I have this code that is driving me crazy but I got it to work for the most part my loops just doesn't work can someone help Her is my code #include<iost...
[2 replies] Last: ok so when I roll a one how do I switch it to the pig turn I tried a s... (by Stewart15)
wireless aux
I have been working with a raspberry pi that I got a little while ago and got the pianobar pandora client. I was wondering if anyone knew of a sort of wireless ...
[1 reply] : Couldn't you just use a usb Bluetooth dongle? (by TheBeardedQuack)
How many professionals working in the field do *not* have a degree? (1,2)
99% of the jobs I see require a 4 year degree *or releated work experience*. Is there a lot people who don't have degrees? I'd assume there's a good amount seei...
[26 replies] Last: I'm a "personal" without any official education in programing out comp... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by wscjr1
"content" disappeared when I clicked Submit
After I laboriously prepared a submission to the Beginners forum it all seems to have disappeared. When I clicked Submit I got the message There were errors ...
[5 replies] Last: LOL! (by Duthomhas)
by dilver
suppose there is a hidden file in a website like this : http://www.example.com/public/private/home/room/index.php and I want to search for this hidden fi...
[12 replies] Last: > where did that come from? from dilver silly :p (by Little Bobby Tables)
by dilver
at symbol
@ what does the @ symbol before the IP address mean???
[7 replies] Last: "at" literally meaning "at" Example: UserDude123 @ T... (by ModShop)
by dilver
[10 replies] Last: @ OP: First you should start by studying how cryptography is used. Y... (by Computergeek01)
Website's language?
What language is this website written in?
[1 reply] : HTML5, from the looks of it. (by Ispil)
February 2015 Pages: 1234
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