Lounge - May 2014 (Page 3)

2.5D FPS game
Do you guys know any 2.5D FPS game made from 2D? I wanna see how they handle the 2D graphics and make them look like 3D. Tell me if you know some. Thanks
[15 replies] Last: In any event... regarding OP's question... how could you have an FPS ... (by Computergeek01)
Skills needed to get started with Freelancer
Hi everyone, I just wanted to know what contents I must cover or what skills I must get proficient with so as I would be able to get started with Freelance or s...
[2 replies] Last: List your job experience. If you don't have any its not likely you'll ... (by Cody0023)
by helios
Finally, terminal emulator for Windows that isn't a complete piece of ****! https://code.google.com/p/conemu-maximus5/
[3 replies] Last: Ah... I'll have to check it out. (by Duthomhas)
A call to Linux users - Multi-OS DVD
Hey guys, So I have been using Linux Mint w/ Cinnamon through a VM and I think it's time to wipe my good old XP off my laptop and install Linux on my hard dr...
[17 replies] Last: [quote=ResidentBiscuit]Are DVDs not rewritable? DVD-R and DVD+R can o... (by Peter87)
Hey guys.Its my first time trying to decrypt.I have numbers that I must decrypt. Here is the riddle. <?phph> Here it is.21613@23151811.co.za = fun@work.co.za...
[1 reply] : fun is the opposite of work, so... (by Lowest0ne)
Colleges for DirectX/OpenGL Programming?
Can someone share a list of colleges that offer these classes..I live in the US so any colleges in the US or ONLINE classes would be great... I have complet...
[4 replies] Last: Can't recommend any colleges, but if you're looking to get into graphi... (by Callum5042)
by LB
Common Core (1,2)
http://www.ijreview.com/2014/05/137962-common-core-approach-solving-basic-math-problem-doesnt-confuse-congrats/ Where did they even pull those numbers from? Ho...
[33 replies] Last: Ah! @ Computergeek01 'salright. My youngest step-son was finally ... (by Duthomhas)
Visual Studio and .NET
I have 3 questions about the VS IDE and the .Net framework: 1. Is there a way to configure VS to make it correct the comments, like in Eclipse, where you can...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, I have done all what you said: my windows language is English (ac... (by closed account jvqpDjzh)
by Ceset
Handling Events in a Game
Hi everyone. The topic is events in a game. Mainly sharing experience. No matter what framework you use there are some things that has to exist in all ga...
[7 replies] Last: Also when i was using using handleEvents() . I always thought it was ... (by Ceset)
Programming Journal (1,2)
I'm just curious to know if anyone here keeps a programming journal. I'm thinking about starting to start using one, but I'd just like to know if anyone else do...
[30 replies] Last: I remember hearing something like "would an moron in a hurry be able ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by LB
Are you a visual thinker?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJiMjSscgk4 I am most definitely a visual thinker. I've never known the room numbers for my classes, but can always find them...
[12 replies] Last: One thing about my learning/thinking style is that I cannot multitask.... (by htirwin)
by Disch
Solar Roadways
So I just caught wind of these guys today thanks to Facebook: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwHtWSFmV1Q 2:15 is where he actually starts talking about the su...
[16 replies] Last: You can sort of store AC, you just convert it into DC. This is of cour... (by Computergeek01)
How to do this simple program? any help please? still a beginner here
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream> int main() { char findname ,pnum ,fname ,lname ; FILE *fp; fp=fopen(...
[1 reply] : You know there's a beginners section of the forum, and you REALLY ne... (by TheBeardedQuack)
How to have a member system?
I am talking about usernames / passwords. Is it kind of like a server, like i/o files, except with a server? Like, say I use fstream, and I make a file on a ser...
[2 replies] Last: Outside the SQL world... Keeping a different file for each user isn't ... (by S G H)
Lan tunnelling?
Does anyone here know anything about lan tunnelling and how it is achieved? Is it basically a vpn?
[1 reply] : Sorry to resurrect a probably dead thread, but do you mean split tunne... (by Computergeek01)
Possible typo for set_intersection
All, I'm new to the forum but a long-time viewer of cplusplus.com. I was using it as a reference lately and stumbled upon the following sentence on the std::...
[5 replies] Last: NT3, Hmmm you're right. I guess I'm going crazy. (by mclaurind)
by boodii
Advice please~~~~ (1,2)
Hello~~ I am completely new to programming and I was just lazy to start even though I was really interested, so I forced myself into a C++ course even though m...
[22 replies] Last: Yes sir!! Thank you everybody~~ :D Got to start programming because I... (by boodii)
Quantum Computing and Artificial Sentience (1,2,3)
This is something I'm SERIOUSLY interested. As in, life's dream is to conduct research in it. I think that artificial sentience won't occur in classical computa...
[41 replies] Last: Keep in mind that text doesn't have any tone. :) Oh how far you've c... (by Lachlan Easton)
online compiler
Im a High school student sitting in class doing nothing. I want to write some c++ code but dont have a laptop. Our school computers cant download things and I...
[13 replies] Last: https://koding.com best online compiler there is plain and simple ;p. ... (by CodeGazer)
Making a Program Run Faster
Lately I've been quite interested in ways of making my programs run faster and I've found a few tips I'd like to share. 1 Before compiling your program an...
[19 replies] Last: ...and when you are writing a routine that will be used by many people... (by Duthomhas)
May 2014 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [apr2014] [jun2014]

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