Lounge - October 2017 (Page 2)

Difficult C programming projects
Hello, Could anyone recommend a few difficult projects to me? Ideally, they would be complex (meaning that I can spend a fair amount of time and effort on, N...
[6 replies] Last: Google the old "mastermind game". The "mastermind game" that I refe... (by jsheley)
Old assignment
This an old assignment from last week. I was wondering if anyone could help me understand what it is exactly that I done wrong. The program was supposed to ...
[1 reply] : double post http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/222555/ (by ne555)
anyone want to give some OOD advice?
Hi all - I've been programming in C++ for a few years, but I'm still relatively new to the OOD aspect of programming. I'm currently writing a small applicati...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the input, guys. I did indeed mean "hash table" above, and ... (by mzimmers)
Software Developer Career Advice
Hi everyone, I am a second year software systems student living in Canada. My future goal is to one day become a software developer at big companies like Mic...
[1 reply] : Hi Kourosh23 It's an exciting time for you, and you're smart to be th... (by mzimmers)
Is Python The Fastest Growing Programming Language?
Python is a popular programming language that’s being adopted at a fast pace. It’s loved largely due to its simpler syntax, wide applications, and high dema...
[3 replies] Last: I say Java too. Since Big companies r working with Systems Like Androi... (by tonic)
October 2017 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [sep2017] [nov2017]

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