Programming in Linux

Hello, everyone so I am behind in my C++ class and have to type a program in linux which I don't really know what to do. I was wondering if anyone could break it down on what I have to do step by step so I can understand what I need to do. Here is are the instructions:

1. Create three source files (asgn6.h, casgn6.cpp and
asgn6Driver.cpp), an object file (asgn6.o) and an executable
(asgn6Driver) in your bin directory on Linux 3 server.

2. Provide the user with a menu with the following options:
List Operations
Enter your choice :

3. Overload the Insert method; one that accepts first and last name. Another that accepts
the last name only.

4. The driver program interacts with the user through the menu. Do not allow the user to
exit unless option '5' is input. Advise the user of an invalid input if the user does not
input values 1 through 5. If the user inputs a valid option, perform the action and
display the menu for the user to enter another choice.

5. The following is a summary of actions for each menu option:
option 1 - prompt the user for a first and last name and insert this information in a single linked list in alphabetical order based on last name.
option 2 - display the data to the console one node per line.
option 3 - display the number of nodes in the list.
option 4 - prompt the user for the last name to delete. delete the node otherwise
advise that a node was not deleted.
option 5 - exit the program
That is not a "Linux problem". More like a "Beginner" issue.

All you have to do is to write a program. A linked list is mentioned, so I guess your course is at classes and data structures. The filenames contain "6", so I assume that this is not your first homework. Therefore, you should be able to do something already. Do that.
Well, he happens to be behind in his class.
As a rule of thumb, when asking about homeworks, code as much as you can, and ask for how to do a specific thing.
This doesn't stop you from asking multiple questions at the same time.
So, now, post "what you have so far" and ask specific questions.
What is it that you're having trouble with? The overloading? The setup of the linked list? Your source? We can not give you a design for your program, because that is plagiarism.
However, if you need help with the overall concept of linked list, or overloading, use the beginner forum.

Get your concepts down first. Then break down the problem into chunks of what the program needs to accomplish: start small, and work your way up. When you start to get your code going, post here if you have issues.
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