Merging a bubble sort and selection sort

Hello, also first time posting so this may not look right. But I need to use bubble sort to sort an array, and then use select sort to sort a 2nd array. I have that part done, but now I am having trouble understanding how to use merge sort to put the two together and merge them. I've done a merge sort before, so I was trying to go off of that, but the part that is really stumping me (I believe) is how to merge these two function's values I already have, so that I am able to use my merge sort. If that makes sense.

An explanation/example/pseudocode would be enough for me to work off of. (Side note, I am doing this in C++).

Thank you!
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I would take your bubble sorted array A, use its size as the pivot and add to that your selection sorted array B. So you now have an unsorted array A+B lets call it C. You could use the size of the array A or the size of C/2 as your pivot, whichever runs faster. And apply mergesort to that.
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