Basic C/C++ OS


OK. I've decided now. I am going to make a simple, simple, simple text-based OS that can be installed to a 4 GB USB stick. Being Text-based, 4 GB should be enough. I would like to know how to use the GRUB bootloader to boot up from some basic C code. For the moment, All I'd like to do is have it display some text to the screen, such as "SimpleOS v0.01 loaded." How does GRUB work, and how do I get it to boot to my specific C/C++ code? I hear C is better for this task, should I use C or C++? How would I compile my C/C++ code(I have mac OS X 10.6.8 and Windows 7 on bootcamp on a 2 GHz intel core 2 duo macbook, which would be the test target, and the final copy would be produced for a general dell PC.)? Is there already a guide somewhere to making a basic C/C++ OS using the grub bootloader? Thanks!!!!
Why reinvent the wheel? Some years back I remember looking at PicoBSD and QNX, both booted off a floppy drive (1.4K) and had a browser interface.

PicoBSD is based on FreeBSD. That means all the source is available (somewhere).
I'm not "reinventing the wheel", I'm figuring out exactly how the wheel works so that I can make my own wheel, that spins and rolls and functions the way I want it to, not the way Bill Gates wanted it to. I want to know the secret of the wheel, so that one day I will become a billionaire with my new invention: a different version of the wheel engineered from the ground up with speed in mind, featuring every single language in the universe (Even pig latin, and maybe even ROT13) so that every human being could use it. It would be revolutionary, with many epic features that I just cannot say here in fear of someone stealing them. It would be so great, that everyone would have to come get my wheel. It will be secure as HECK, closed-source, and will show you a warning whenever something was moved, name changed, deleted, etc. so that you can know EXACTLY when a virus attacks. It will have a self-repairing OS, so that if you or a virus or some malicious user deleted the majority of your system files, it will reinstall each and every one of them, and attempt to restore your home directory, along with all of your personal data. This, kbw, this is the new wheel. I'll tell you why I need to reinvent the wheel: to bring a whole new level of epicness to the world. Now, does anyone know how I would go about making the text-based OS to start with (everyone's gotta start somewhere: the earlier I start, the more experience I can gain to create my epic OS idea. Don't tell me I'm crazy, because it's obvious that I wouldn't try that epic idea until I got some experience; Please help me.)? Thanks!
That's the spirit. This site has all to get you started:
I love the attitude. But wouldn't hurt to stand on the shoulders of giants.
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You're crazy. Now to get your pointed somewhere, Linux Kernels are open source and free. Check those out, read books, watch seminars, talk to people, and learn an assembly language. You won't always get C to back up on
Good Luck and remember to stick with it!
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I remember my youthful days... T.T
closed account (z05DSL3A)
I still start an OS project every now and then...I'm thinking about getting a BeagleBone or Raspberry Pi and giving it another go.
Couple of you said that you've tried writting own OS before. Can you share your experiences?

@awesomeprograms: good attitude. let us know about your progress.

@Grey Wolf: I also think about getting Raspebrry PI. Did you manage to get one ?

closed account (S6k9GNh0)
It's difficult, time-consuming, generally unproductive, and will probably never be within a half year of finishing.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
+1 computer quip ... but can be fun and informative.

marcinos, I haven't got a Raspberry Pi yet. Got one on order but when I finally get it is anyones guess.
Hi, I ever think it like you !
And I found a powerfull Book named "自己动手写操作系统" (a chinese book)
And in charpter one ,it teach me how to write a helloWorld OS Like(actually is a helloWorld mbr in 512KB).
And I hear a book that Japanese writed about writting an os is More powerfull that have simple GUI and GUI SDK.The name I cannot remember.
The Book's writer is so great!
Yeah I pointed out two sites and for some reason my post was removed. I pointed out that I had never made an OS, though I have thought about it from time to time. I used both these sites when I was considering making an OS.

reinvent a wheel is time consuming job, why not try LFS (LINUX from scratch project)? building a usb stick linux version by customizing the os as you want...
follow the lfs steps. The lfs process won't be that long and twisted .
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