use of STL container list<class A> inside as a member of class B and destruction of class B object

Hi all...
I Have 2 questions.
1. Does STL containers have their default destructors. Are they called by default to destroy the container when that container goes out of scope?
2. I have two classes: class Telescope and class Panel. (in reality panels correspond to mirrors that are placed on large telescope reflector). A class telescope contains list<Panel> tel_pans. My question is When a Telescope object (let us say T) instantiated in main() goes out of scope does (compiler) default Telescope destructor automatically destroys the list<Panel>tel_pans ? Or free store memory allocated by list will stay floating even after destruction of T ??...
please help...
Attaching the header file of declarations to give better idea.

//... all necessary include statements ...//

using namespace std;

const double DEPS=1.0e-14;
const double FEPS=1.0e-6;
// A base class that defines some basic functionality
class GeomOps {

public :
... 1st function
....nth function
virtual void display()=0 // Making this class as abstract base class

class Panel: public GeomOps
// ... data members related to single panel

[i]//constructors of panel class and function to modify data members of panel
// values of data have to be read from a file containing info abt all panels
void SetPaneldata(int i,double k, double x, double y,double z, double roc, double f);

Panel(int i,double k, double x, double y,double z, double roc, double f);


TVector3 Normal(double x,double y , double z);

inline double GetCX() { return XC; }

inline double GetCY() {return YC;}

inline double GetCZ() {return ZC;}

inline int GetPN() {return panel_i;}

void display();

void display(const char* tel_logfile);

class Telescope: public GeomOps
int N_PAN;
const char* Tel_file ;
double ROC;
double kappa;
double fl;
double telC;
double phi;
double theta;
double XB,YB,ZB;
double dia;
double h;
double panx,pany;
bool Tess;
// Panel tel_pans;
list <Panel> tel_pans; // this is the part which is troublesome..
// Telescope(const char *telfile);

Telescope(char *telfile);

int BASKET_CATCH(double CCX , double CCY , double CCZ , TVector3 V1 );

int BASKET_INTERSECTION(double *BX, double *BY, double *BZ, double CCX, double CCY, double CCZ, TVector3 Photon);

int IDENTIFY_PANEL(double x, double y);

void display();

void SetPhiTheta(double p, double t);

TVector3 Normal(double x, double y, double z);

int Reflection(double *rflx, double *rfly, double *rflz, double inc_cx, double inc_cy, double inc_cz,TVector3 inc_cray);

double findz(double x, double y);

double spot_size(double angle,unsigned int seed1, unsigned int seed2 = 4357);

inline void SetMonolithic() {Tess = false;}

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1. Yes. All the standard containers have destructors that is called when it goes out of scope.

2. The list will be automatically destroyed.
Okk... thanks...
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