PCC-S-02016, include file pathname is too long

Error at line 43, column 16 in file /u04/net/rtp-netapp1/vol/build/nwwls/devspac
# include <generic.h>
PCC-S-02015, unable to open include file
Error at line 15, column 10 in file FileLoadEventGenerator.pC
// Author : Gerhard Geldenbott
PCC-S-02016, include file pathname is too long
Error at line 27, column 10 in file FileLoadEventGenerator.pC

I am getting This error The file asked to include is in include PATH(INCLUDE=../../../../../libs/tableGateway/include (file asked for is here))

google given answer to create a environment varible so

i did varible=Path to file;export varible

still error not solved any solution to problem is helpful thanks in advance

Revathi R

Can you explain what you're doing. I feel like I just walked into a room in the middle of a conversation.
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