UNIX/Linux Programming - April 2016

Using xlib in c++ to outputn 8000 picture files
The program as a whole is supposed to output 8000 picture files to the screen. I been having trouble using any type of library to do so while using linux and xl...
[no replies]
Double Parsing of Variable
Hi, I want to use some variables as Follows, int a = 6; char b = 'a'; Now I want to access value of variable a from within variable b. is it possible ...
[1 reply] : No, not the way you are trying to do it. This is a feature of "reflect... (by Zhuge)
GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) in c++ Linux
GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) can be used with windows.h but in linux how this can be used. please don't mention std::cin.get() or getch() because it wai...
[7 replies] Last: my code is something like this #include <windows.h> //works in win b... (by bigduck)
Memory Leaks
Can any one explain about what is "Memory leaks" and where it's used?. I studied the Materials that is not understandable.
[4 replies] Last: You've got three types of allocation: static, automatic, and dynamic. ... (by MatthewRock)
Iterate Through Files In a Folder/Directory?
Hello -- I know how to read and write to files; however, might there be a way to iterate through the list of files in a folder so that I can pass each one as...
[1 reply] : The C++ in itself does not have (had) such functionality. Each OS has ... (by keskiverto)
by m0bb1n
need help with small git project
Hello, I need some help with my git project which is a small console program that changes your MAC address for you randomly. At the moment, I need help with 1...
[4 replies] Last: When using system() you can run just about anything as if it were a he... (by newbieg)
by Lana3
Matrix multiplication using fork
Can just someone tell some tips how to make that happen, because in my code i need to input n -> number of process but i dont understand when i need to make 3...
[no replies]
by MCCodo
Declaration problem help pls
Hey everyone I have a little problem. I have installed lubuntu today on my old laptop.Then I created new project in code::blocks and it had no compiler whic...
[3 replies] Last: Please use code tags when posting code. See http://www.cplusplus.com/... (by keskiverto)
by alexBB
Please explain code
Hi there. My environment is Ubuntu 14.04. I am trying to work with the file legendre_polynomial.c This file is here: https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/c_s...
[6 replies] Last: Can we presume that you are familiar with the kinship of brackets and... (by alexBB)
Floating point exception
I have application compiled on rather NEW ubunto distribution (kernel 3.2.0-53-virtual) using g++ 4.7.2. After compilation completes (and works on this machine)...
[3 replies] Last: I bet that ldd Bin/MY_APP shows that the executable still depends on... (by keskiverto)
copying/moving inside the terminal
So I tried looking on google and still couldn't figure out what I wanted. I have two different directories, truck and car. Car contains several sub directo...
[2 replies] Last: rsync -av car/ truck/ Copies content of car into truck recursively, ... (by keskiverto)
Keep getting a Segmentation Fault from the following.
//This program is meant to allow the user to enter up to 10 words into an array, which will then be alphabetized. The function is meant to stop taking words onc...
[1 reply] : Minus a few minor typos, this works just fine for me. Could your compi... (by wizebin)
I need help with array
I wanted to print fibonacci numbers in given rage and i don't know how to do it. I wrote this: int main () { unsigned n; unsigned m; printf("Plea...
[1 reply] : You don't need an array. You just need to keep the two previous values... (by keskiverto)
I need explanation on Unix and Linux
As far as I know Linux is an operating system just like windows and Mac, and there are lots of distributions of Linux like Debian, fedora, Ubuntu etc... So w...
[7 replies] Last: Ok, no problem. Thnx (by omer123)
Backtrace shared library
Hi I have my main program , which is using dlsym to load shared object and executing it but shared library has SIGSEGV but signal handler is in my main program ...
[4 replies] Last: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/77005/how-to-generate-a-stacktrace-... (by Moschops)
by Ruthra
need help finding why SIGABRT occured
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class matrix{ char **b=NULL; int n; public: matrix(int sz):n{sz}{ b = new c...
[1 reply] : You have not defined a copy constructor. (by Peter87)
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