UNIX/Linux Programming - September 2014

by n30n
Linked lists - insert function not sorting right
i made a linked list for video objects. i made an insert function to sort each video by title alphabet order. when i run the code and chose insert all my video...
[2 replies] Last: The code looks basically correct. What does Video::get_title() return?... (by dhayden)
nullptr in Cygwin!
I am trying to use nullptr in Cygwin, but I keep getting an error saying nullptr is not defined. I found this website: https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.6/changes.html...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, so it turns out all I needed was to type -std=c++11. (by DyslexicChciken)
by n30n
video linked list creating cerr commands
How do i make my code works so that if i insert a list of video and then try to insert another list with the exact same title, it prompts some cerr message to s...
[1 reply] : I'm not really sure what the issue actually is, but perhaps you only w... (by Zhuge)
Compiling in g++ doesn't gives a.out
Hello everyone, and thanks for taking your time to help me. I have more than one question/issue/doubt, but the main one I think is the one regarding compiling,...
[1 reply] : From man g++ : gcc [-c|-S|-E] [-std=standard] [-g] [-pg] [-Olevel] [... (by keskiverto)
I never took unix and wondering how to
hi i never took any unix and my professor for one of my classes want me to write a shell script i am wondering if anyone can help i need to Write a script tha...
[4 replies] Last: i need to Write a script that outputs all lines in a file containing ... (by kbw)
Script communication with pipes in a qsub context
Hi all, I am coding a script that needs to run several 'children' scripts and communicate with them. Basically, the parent script does an iteration loop in w...
[5 replies] Last: Well, I finally made my script work using sockets. Here is my solution... (by smunier)
Spectrogram Waterfall
I want to make a spectrogram waterfall. The question I have is what would be the best graphics library to use?
[no replies]
by kellex
X11 Lib Sinus Drawer
Hello fellas, im making a program with the xlib to draw a sinus function but i cant make it work, could you have a look at my code? http://pastebin.com/TwETyR...
[3 replies] Last: Hey, did you get this sorted OP? I have a very similar issue. I checke... (by NewNewz)
by n30n
video linked list insert funciton
trying to create a linked list for video object to take in insert, remove, lookup, and print command. i keep getting an error in my insert function: main.c...
[1 reply] : list.insert(*video); should be list.insert(video); The method tak... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by dkaip
EVT_KEY_DOWN event problem
Hello. A very little program have problem. I am trying to catch a key press globally(http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Catching_key_events_globally) event and i can not...
[2 replies] Last: I just make a litle project, same in Ubuntu and windows xp In xp run v... (by dkaip)
Please help with this C++ project
https://s.yimg.com/hd/answers/i/276bd46c2139425e9503f159054bb99f_A.png?a=answers&mr=0&x=1411469876&s=e4e71bcc0e2ceb65419f348abdae5b2c here is the question LINK ...
[1 reply] : Your link says "unauthorized" and your post doesn't contain any code. ... (by bryan177mcsc)
error: ld returned 1 exit status
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and gcc 4.8.2. I'm trying to compile the following code using this command: g++ -Wall -W -std=c++11 game.cpp -o game I'm getting t...
[2 replies] Last: That did it! Thank you. (by bishoposiris)
by vikk
upgrade stripped-down target industrial PC to instrumental for C++ console development
I need to write a console application on a i386 machine with debian 2.2 to work with some programms installed on it. For that purpose I want to have C++ develop...
[18 replies] Last: When I say "upgrade" I mean to set up development tools on the target ... (by vikk)
Anjuta Gtkmm : How to package a commandline app and its gui app
Note: this is my first time anjuta and first time linux application development. At home switched to debian, Love it and wish to get my app into debian repo in ...
[no replies]
How to control mouse pointer by C++ Code ???
Hello, I have a question about controlling a mouse pointer in Linux (i.e. in Webbrowser) by C++ Code in Eclipse. So my question is which libraries do I need ...
[4 replies] Last: For Xorg, look at Xlib or xcb. For framebuffer pointer... uh... good l... (by NoXzema)
Program works in os x, but not on unix (solaris)
I have a program that's supposed to read in a file, validate that it exists, copy it to a new file with numbers on each line, and display both files. When I run...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! That worked! (by sistasweetpea)
by Inf345
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char *argv ) { float s,t; if(argc != 3) { printf("Wywowalnie programu: nazwa_programu droga czas...
[3 replies] Last: lol (by mutexe)
Need help with a c++ program
Please email me, I can't post my program here for plagiarism issues. I've done half of it, I'll send it to you and the program details via email FRANKTHEMAN149...
[6 replies] Last: True, but we need complete details on the Question @frank: Provide mor... (by sansoftaus)
Ifstream Read Not working in Linux?
So the read is working for Windows but it's not working for Linux. In GDB the ulTop variable is shown as 0 even though it should be 512 (the value of Constants:...
[8 replies] Last: Still.. can't see why it would fail.. I find that it's never good t... (by dhayden)
Cross Compiling c file
Hey there. Can anyone tell me the commands to compile a c file to avr and to x86 on linux? I've been stuck on this, thanks!
[no replies]
September 2014 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [aug2014] [oct2014]

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