How Use Fortran/VisualC++ functions in Netbeans?

I try to compile in Netbeans a c++ code with setulb_function which is a Fortran function implemented in lbfgs optimizer. This function is defined like that:

void setulb_(integer *n, integer *m, doublereal *x, doublereal *l, doublereal *u, integer *nbd, doublereal *f, doublereal *g, doublereal *factr, doublereal *pgtol, doublereal *wa, integer * iwa, char *task, integer *iprint, char *csave, logical *lsave, integer *isave, doublereal *dsave, ftnlen task_len, ftnlen csave_len);

I've included many header files but i got an error after compiling (" undefined reference to `_setulb_' "). It seems that these are not the good headers files.

Could someone help me to find a solution ? Thanks !!!
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