Help please, and quick :/

I am trying to follow this tutorial, cause it seems to be of great use. I can not seem t figure it out though. Is there anyone who would be willing to explain it a little better, half the time I can not tell if he wants me to put the code in the header file, or the actual source, and some stuff I do not understand if anyone would not mind dumbing it down for me I would appreciate it.

You put stuff in a header file if it's something that needs to be compiled in more than one translation unit.

You put stuff in a source file if it needs to be compiled only in that translation unit (and possibly have other translation units link to it).

As for that tutorial, I think you need to actually read it properly and pay attention to what it's actually saying. The first and 3rd code blocks aren't in a header file or a source file, they're clearly identified as being in the resource script.

The 2nd and 4th code blocks are clearly identified as being in resource.h, the file included by the resource script.

The remaining code blocks are identified as being examples of how you use the resources in your C++ code.
Yeah, I apologize I did read over it and was just about to close this question, but I left it open so if someone has the same question and googles it then they will get a solid answer.
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