Where do you put .rc files and resource.h file in MinGW?

I have my source file and my .rc file and my resource header. Now, I need to organize these things and compile it, but no idea.
I have Dev C++, Visual Studio Express 2013, and MinGW.
I want to use MinGW because it's just best for me.
But I don't know where to put my .rc file and my resource header file.
Do I just put it in bin?

P.S. I am new to making windows applications. This is my first time.

What do you mean "where do I put it"? Ideally, you have all your files in a single main folder (you probably wont need subfolders), and compile it. Assuming you aren't using an IDE (thats what I gathered from your post), do something like this to compile: (assuming main.cpp and resource.rc)

g++ -c main.cpp -o main.o
windres resource.rc -o resource.o
g++ main.o resource.o -o main.exe -mwindows

Of course, these commands assume that you have navigated to the folder with your files and that you have MinGW's bin folder in your path.
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OH, it's been a long time, but thanks. It worked!
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