How to make a function execute on termination using c++?

Pages: 12
closed account (13bSLyTq)
Well, you need to block NtOpenProcess, NtAllocateVirtualMemory, NtWriteVirtualMemory, NtCreateThreadEx, NtCreateThread, NtReadVirtualMemory, NtQueApcThread, NtQueApcThreadEx. Block these calls and you would have achieved blocking Code Injections and DLL Injections. By the way I advise you to do this in Kernel Mode (obviously ZW* Equivalent) to ensure Kernel Injections cannot take place. Additionally Block NtOpenFile, NtDeleteFile, NtWriteFile, NtCreateFile NtReadFile.

This would prevent most* 99% of all Malware Injections. Also block NtUnMapViewOfSection this would block almost all methods of injection. Do this in Kernel Mode via SYSENTER_MSR. Your would become immortal and to make sure your process and all them are protected hook:

NtOpenProcess, NtTerminateProcess, NtQueryDirectoryFile, NtQuerySystemInformation, NtDeleteFile and other NT** Or ZW** functions for Registry.

You become immortal.
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Pages: 12