Pattern matching in system path using C++ functionalities

I am working on Installation of particular Qt based Windows GUI application, which needs DLLs to be placed in the PATH system environment variable. For placing I could somehow manage to append Installation_path to PATH. But while uninstallation of my application I want to search for where my installation path is and then I've to remove those and put normal path as usually without modifying it. Is a regex my companion or any other way in doing this?

That is, if my Application path is C:\Application_Name\libs\dll_directory_1; C:\Application_Name\libs\dll_directory_2; C:\Application_Name\libs\dll_directory_3, I've to search for Application_Name and all the paths in between the semicolon as delimiter, remove these paths.

P.S. I cannot use boost lib.
It's probably better to write a list of installed files along with the product. On uninstallation, it will be clear what needs to be removed.

You can't do it with a regular expression, and you can't rely on PATH as users or programs can change that.
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