_tcscpy_s Problem??

Hey, another problem regarding Windows Via C/C++. I know why none of it's code is working for me: the book is aimed toward Visual C++, which i do not use (I use Code::Blocks)

Anyway, now for the problem. As the title suggests, I am having a problem in Chapter 4 (Processes). It uses _tcscpy_s, and I can't figure out how to use that. In fact, I can't even get any _t or _s stuff to work. Any help?
visual c++ is a compiler. code::blocks is an ide. code::blocks wouldnt keep your code from working. its your compiler. switch to either the visual studios ide (visual c++ is the default i believe) or download vc++ and make code::blocks use that as the compiler. i dont know if that would work, since i dont program in windows, but i think it should certainly help
Thank you, but I managed to figure it out. I had to include <tchar.h> to make it work.
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