Extremely hard to get visual c++ 2010 working with directx

i have been trying for almost 2 weeks to get visual c++ 2010 to work with directx. Does anyone else find its damn hard to get anything working with it. I have tried multiple books and even visual studio 2012 to no avail. one book actually took me step by step through what had to be done but it still didn't work. I messed around with it for days and it finally worked(kinda). it have many many warnings and when the demo of the box come up it said there was a error. I used the Microsoft directx sdk june 2010 which book used. it wouldn't install completely but it looked like all the files are there. it then got me to add buncha files to the linker-input-addition dependencies. then add the directions to the libraries, executables and include.

anyone that know something about this stuff that could help me get it going would be great I want learn some directx but when nothing seems to work its kinda hard to even try it. if you could suggest which c++ to use and how to set it up and either the name of a book to learn from or at least webpages to learn from would be great.
Are you using windows 8?

As Microsoft has repackaged all the directx libraries into windows itself. And if you are using depreciated libraries say from the directx sdk you may be linking the new libraries as well without knowing it. I know this because I had similar problems when starting out.

If this is indeed the case I can direct you on how to fix it.

First you need to decide which libraries you want to use the old sdk ones or the new updated libraries. if you go for the new ones like I have, I will warn you that you will have to do additional research on MSDN as all the d3d11x libraries have been removed so if working from a tutorial you will have to find the equivalent functions and methods.

Or you can use the SDK libraries but you will have to remove the default linking of the new libraries. The new libraries can be found in the windows kits folder which will be somewhere like here C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Lib\winv6.3\um\x64.

I have been working with DirectX for about a month or so now and it is rewarding being able to render geometry and manipulate it, so keep trying I'm sure this is the issue sounds very much like my own.

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As for information I originally got "3d Game Programming with Directx11" by Frank Luna. I found the book to be quite cryptic to be honest. The poor text choices and misplaced diagrams are quite frustrating so I found a site that I would consider a primer to Frank Luna's book.

www.DirectXTutorial.com I say primer because it isn't complete and will only take you so far and there is a cost once you reach the lessons on shaders. saying that once I finished the lessons Mr Luna's book does make a great deal more sense.
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I used the Microsoft directx sdk june 2010 which book used. it wouldn't install completely but it looked like all the files are there.

Yep had that problem also I found a fix for it though, I cant remember what it was. Had something to do with removing a certain Microsoft Visual redistribution update before installation and then updating windows after, you could google it.
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