Win32: Droper Gen problem with installer exe


I am creating a installer exe which is detected as Win32: Droper Gen by Avast antivirus. I am creating the installer exe via the bat script using the following code:

;Sample script


!define MUI_PRODUCT "My Product"
!define MUI_VERSION "v0.1 Build 234"
!define MUI_FILE "abc"
!define MUI_BRANDINGTEXT "My Client"

CRCCheck On


OutFile "myInstaller.exe"
ShowInstDetails "show"

XPStyle on

Var "TempFolderPathStr"

Section "GetInstDir"

ReadRegStr "$TempFolderPathStr" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion CommonFilesDir



;!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

;Installer Sections

Section "Installing "

StrCpy "$INSTDIR" "$TempFolderPathStr\${MUI_PRODUCT}"

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"

;MessageBox MB_OK "$INSTDIR"

File "File1name"
File "File2name"
File "File3name"
File "File4name"



This is "bash" syntax for *nix, not "batch" for Windows I think your in the wrong section. Did you have a question about this or are you just sort of showing off?
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This is NSIS syntax, not "batch" or "bash".
Hi Computergeek01 and modoran

I think there is some ambiguity in my ques. Actual the above line of code is of

a my .nsi file. I am using this .nsi file in my batch script.
In batch script first I sign all the .exe,.dll,.cat and .sys file then i call this .nsi after that i am signing the resultant exe.
Before 1 month this is working fine on all version of windows and with all antivirus but now detected by the antivirus as false positive and show as
Win32: Droper Gen .
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My suggested solution to you is to stop using Avast!. They were relevant five or so years ago, and they were good, but as of right now their message board is down with a notice from the COO about it having been hacked and the contributors information having been compromised. That coupled with the number of false positives we see from members on this site due to that particular suite is making me reconsider ever recommending them again. There are enough free alternatives out there that I can confidently say that you won't miss it.
thanks a lot Computergeek01

I am agree with you but I can't say what you suggested to our customers. Is there any other solution ?
You can look into how to add your binaries signature to the exception list through what ever passes for Avast!'s admin console. This is usually more micromanaging then the Systems Administrators would want to do, but it may be an except able solution for your customers.
thanks for help....
I would like to offer more help, but this is the kind of thing that consultants make entire service contracts out of so I'm afraid that anything that I find with a quick Google search would turn out to be insufficient at best and at worst just plain wrong.
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