Win Forms etc


I have a program that has multiple forms that has buttons that open new forms / return to previous forms etc. Much like a webpage.

When these buttons are clicked the page that the user is on is seen closing and shortly after the new page displays. Although this occurs very quickly, it does look a little 'unprofessional'. I would like to see if this can be avoided...

Note: To close and load forms I am using this->Hide() and ShowDialog() respectively.

That is...

It there a way to have the one form and a button that clears what is on this form and replaces it with new containers etc without showing the first closing and the new one loading? This process would also include a button that would return to the original layout.

Does this make sense?

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I don't know much about Win Forms or .NET although years ago I worked with it some. In my opinion you shouldn't utter the words speed and Win Forms or .NET in the same sentence. The stuff is slow and if you want to use it you just have to accept that.

What you propose may or may not help speed wise, but it would likely screw up program design and architecture, in my opinion. If you really need speed of execution I'd abandon class frameworks, or at least use one based on native code.
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