mapping x,y coordinates

I'm building a game similar to shuffleboard and am having trouble coming up with logic on mapping a segment of the board to a score. I am having trouble verbalizing (and therefore searching for): How can i create an image map that says: if i landed on block x then the score is 20? I have a function to convert x,y coordinates to a score, but I need to either 1) create an image with different colors and if the coordinate is on a certain color (getpixel) then the score is 20. is this the correct approach or is there something I am not considering? should i make a map of coordinates and correlate that to a score?

Are you drawing this in a native window, or using a 3rd party graphics library?
Native window
Personally I would use your GetPixel() method. At least it seems the most straightforward approach. The only thing else I can think of is creating regions and using PtInRegion().
starting from the innermost circle and going out you can just use the circle center point and test for area/distance to see if the projectile has landed inside the bounds of the circle.

Edit: Specifically, if the distance from the projectile point to the circle center is smaller than the circle radius, it is inside the circle. If you work from inside to out would be easy to categorize score.
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Ok. Good ideas. Let me see what i can work out.
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