mingw g++ boost library linking

I'm pretty sure that I've built all the libraries correctly, outputting a bunch of "libboost_name-mgw48-mt-1_59.a" and "libboost_name-mgw48-mt-d-1_59.a" to _devlibs/boost/lib.
However, when I try and compile with #include<boost/asio.hpp> (which relies on boost_system) using
g++ -o mud/server.exe -I_devlibs/boost -L_devlibs/boost/lib mud/server.cpp -lboost_system
I get "cannont find -lboost_system." same goes for -lboost_system-mt and -boost_system-mgw48-mt-d-1_59. What could I be doing wrong?

Just to be safe I rebuilt the libraries, and everything is working now. So nevermind...
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Congratulations on having the patience to figure this one out on your own, and in < 30 mins. to boot. Building libraries is always a PITA.
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