Program compiles, but doesn't run from .exe because of missing dlls

I apologize if this happens to have been asked before, but I couldn't find a recent reply that actually works.

I have written a program in code blocks...and everything compiles and runs great.

However, if try to navigate to my project folder >> bin >> release >> and run the .exe file I get the following 2 errors :

"The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing from your computer"


"The program can't start because libstdc++ -6.dll is missing from your computer"

I looked online and tried a few things.

First, I downloaded both files from the internet, and put them in the same folder as my .exe file. This removed the errors, but whenever I opened my just stayed as a blank black window, with nothing in it

I also tried adding the following to my "Linker settings >> Other linker options" tab :



Again, it still didn't work with them.

I am really lost right now, and would be very thankful if someone could lend a helping hand. Thanks in advance :)
What compiler do you use ? You better use TDM version of GCC, never have a problem with it. And yes, it links statically by default, exactly what you need:

Alternatively, search for missing filer where your actual compiler is installed and distribute that with your programs, not versions downloaded from the internet, they must exactly match.
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