Finding hardware device

Hi all...
I'm not all that seasoned in C++. Used it many years ago, so I don't know all the libraries and tricks so I'm coming to you all for guidance.

I need to be able to look for, find and stream data from a camera that is attached to a PC. The camera can be connected directly onto the motherboard or it might be plugged in to a USB3 port. Either way, it's a USB3 connection to the camera.

For my first round, I plan on working with Windows, however, in the future I will want to expand this to other OSs like Linux and possibly Android.

I guess my first step would be to at LEAST be able to find the device attached. Then next I would figure out how to stream.

Do you guys know how I can achieve this? Is there a windows API for windows that will allow me to do this?

Thanks for any help. This really is a completely new area for me.
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