Database Error: Unable to connect to the database

I am getting this MySQL error while trying to access the site and and even while trying to log into administrator.

Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL

I have tried refreshing and accessing it a dozen times.

Can somebody please help me to restart MySQL?

What "site" are you talking about?

- First, make sure that your MySQL server service is running on the host. Restart the service\deamon for good measure.

- Make sure the inbound firewall rules are set to allow access to that service on the host.

- Make sure that the host and the client are on the same subnet, that you can ping one from the other assuming that they are both setup to respond etc.

- Make sure the outbound rules on the client are set to allow your application to reach out on that port.

What platform are you running on OP?

You can start/stop the mysql service on the server by logging into the server as root from the command line interface and run the following command/s.

service mysql stop
service mysql start
service mysql restart

You can also use the following if the above does not work fine.
Fix Toolbox for MySQL
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