Can someone help me with GUI
What's wrong here? This thing annoys me entire 3 days. Can someone help me?
try add them on menu Porject->Build Options:
1 - click on project name, on right;
2 - Linker Options tab settings.
3 - now add that 3 libraries;
4 - delete them on global.

i'm sorry, i don't have sure if will works, but try it ;)
D:/Misc/Documents/C++/Projects/labasss/labasssApp.cpp:18: undefined reference to `wxEntry(HINSTANCE__*, HINSTANCE__*, char*, int)'
obj\Debug\labasssApp.o: In function `Z11wxCreateAppv':
D:/Misc/Documents/C++/Projects/labasss/labasssApp.cpp:18: undefined reference to `wxAppConsoleBase::CheckBuildOptions(char const*, char const*)'
obj\Debug\labasssApp.o: In function `ZN10labasssApp6OnInitEv':
D:/Misc/Documents/C++/Projects/labasss/labasssApp.cpp:24: undefined reference to `wxInitAllImageHandlers()'

and made with cxx flags and now it's D:/Misc/Documents/C++/Projects/labasss/labasssApp.cpp:18: undefined reference to `wxEntry(HINSTANCE__*, HINSTANCE__*, char*, int)'
obj\Debug\labasssApp.o: In function `Z11wxCreateAppv':
D:/Misc/Documents/C++/Projects/labasss/labasssApp.cpp:18: undefined reference to `wxAppConsoleBase::CheckBuildOptions(char const*, char const*)'
obj\Debug\labasssApp.o: In function `ZN10labasssApp6OnInitEv':
D:/Misc/Documents/C++/Projects/labasss/labasssApp.cpp:24: undefined reference to `wxInitAllImageHandlers()'

and etc. this thing fucked up me as hell.
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