can you make a c++ program for this

(Airplane Reservation)a small airline has jus purchased a computer for its new automated reservations system. The president has asked ypu to program the new system. You need to write a program that assign seats on each flight of the airline (capacity : 10 seats)

Your program should display the following menu of alternatives:

Please type 1 for "1st class"
Please type 2 for "Economy class"

1st class has assign for seat 1-5 and economy assign for seat 6-10

you can use single subricted array to represent the seating chart of the plane.

and if the the 1st class is full you must suggest to the person to choose economy class and if the user won't accept that you must leave a message "the next flight is leaves for 6 hours

use a c++ program for this problem
can you make a c++ program for this

Yes - this is a very simple problem and can easily be done in c++
Well, I guess no one will do your homework for you.
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