Loading DDS images and "combine" them

I need to load some DDS images into my program and combine them. Better said I want to load multiple DDS files where some parts are transparent on each image. And all images together are the real image in the end. So for example I have this (http://prntscr.com/dd70ku) and this (http://prntscr.com/dd70tk) and this (http://prntscr.com/dd7118) as DDS-Files. And now I want the program to make one dds file of that (only in memory I don't need the real dds file as file). If someone has an idea to that I'd be grateful.
Actually I can load normal DDS files into my class (works with DirectX 8 [IDirect3DTexture8/IDirect3DSurface8] - please no comments on that, it's a part of an old game and I don't want to upgrade everything).

Kind Regards,
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