Change shortcut's target

Hello, is there any way to change shortcuts' target?
Thanks in advance!
It is possible. Shortcuts, internally, are just a file type containing data about the shortcut and are just handled by windows as shortcuts. If you open it with an editor you should be able to view the structure of it.
and I think the path piece is actually text, or it used to be. But parts of the shortcut are binary, also from memory. Surely there is a format for the file out there in the web...
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Shell Link (.LNK) Binary File Format:

A quick glance at the specification shows a shortcut is not something easy-peasy to change.
Why do you want to change an existing shortcut?
Why not delete it and create a new one with a new target?
It is quite easy to manipulate shortcuts using IShellLink COM interface:
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