Not a table error

Hi All, this morning I tried to open dbf file in FoxPro 2 and got an error 'FoxPro not a table error upon opening DBF file'.
Re-booted the computer and still getting the same error.
FoxPro 2 has been working fine since I begant to use it.

I'm running windows 8

Any help appreciated

"Not a table"

means more serious problem than TABLEVALIDATE can fix obviously. Also when DBF

recovery fails the problem can be critical (if you have the DBF recovery which

supports your DBF file format).

You should look at the DBF header via some hexa editor. You may even use the

one from VFP:

DO HOME() + "Tools\HexEdit\"

It will ask for a file opening so please select your DBF and post first two

lines here or look at the DBF structure description in the VFP help.

First two lines (in hex editor) contain the file type, number of records,

record size, last update etc. "Not a table" means the first byte was

not recognized as valid DBF file marker.

Additional lines contain column descriptions each one in 16 bytes.

More info:
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