static libraries for different platforms

I do not know if in some cases I could call static library generated for relase mode in debug mode in msvc 2017 for visual C++? The second question can I use generated x86 static library in x64 project? What can I do?
I do not know if in some cases I could call static library generated for relase mode in debug mode in msvc 2017 for visual C++?
Yes, it's possible. It's useful when you're debugging one part of the codebase but another, already tested part is dragging performance down.

The second question can I use generated x86 static library in x64 project?
No, you can only link binaries if their architectures match. Linking x86 code with x64 code is simply impossible.
If for some reason you have x86 code that you need to interact with from x64 code, and you can't change the architecture of either one, the only option is to put them in separate processes and use IPC to get them to talk to each other.
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