how to put libraries in a window??

hi there im a new c++ programmer and i have a qustion,(im not an english speaker so beware), im planning to make a 3d editor/viewer like blender3d, ogre3d, 3ds max etc. so like if youre familiar with blender 3ds max u can see that there if u enter the program it opnes a window (duh) and it has the file, add optins on the top left of the window and in the middle u can a viewport with a default mesh in the center so my question is how do i make the window program show the vieport or the 3d mesh??
Well, you're going quite fast.
First, choose: From scratch or from an external library.

- Customizable as much as you want
- Must do everything from 0
- Will be the most rewarding

- Must stay within the library's customizations
- Will do just few things like 5-6 lines to have a fullfeatured mesh viewer set-up
- Due to just having to write 5-6 lines, there will be no big reward.

From scratch:
-Choose a mesh format, and create a mesh loader.
-Choose OpenGL, DirectX or your own software renderer
-Create a graphic engine good enough to display a mesh - may only use opengl, if you don't need much more things
-Handle user input from Window Messages or Direct API Calls
-Handle picking

From library:
-Choose a library
-Choose a mesh format, and use builtin mesh loader
-Handle user input from library
-Hope library allows you to edit meshes and to pick vertexes from a ray.
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