Win32 GUI window and console window at the same time?

I've been trying to make a console app in witch the user presses enter and then a gui window opens(not MessageBox or anything), but i don't know how exactly i would do that. Can i just copy n paste the standard code for a win32 app and then call winmain. or is it a matter of creating another thread.
Does anyone have any ideas. Or maybe something i could read.

I'm using MS visual c++ express.
I would suggest making it another thread for no other reason then it's easy enough to do and it allows your user to interact with both windows at the same time, this is so that nothing messes with the message loop.

You could get away with starting a straight forward Windows application, use "AllocConsole()" to start-up your command-line interface and not call "ShowWindow()" until the user presses enter. This would give the same appearance as what you are trying to accomplish while also simplifying certain other considerations.
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