question ? [loaded DLL]


I have a question about dll. I am trying to launch application with plugins (.dll files) in MS Visual Studio 2010 (Windows 7).
I have already compiled and lauched application in release mode. It wors well.
I compiled plugins (files dll) well.
But I can't launch application with all plugins. I can't load well dll files(with plugins).
I received an output here :
'med.exe': Loaded 'C:\dev\projects-32\med-plugins\build\bin\Release\vtkDataMeshPlugin.dll', Binary was not built with debug information.
'med.exe': Unloaded 'C:\dev\projects-32\med-plugins\build\bin\Release\vtkDataMeshPlugin.dll'
'med.exe': Loaded 'C:\dev\projects-32\med-plugins\build\bin\Release\vtkDataMeshrPlugin.dll', Binary was not built with debug information.
'med.exe': Unloaded 'C:\dev\projects-32\medInria-plugins\build\bin\Release\vtkDataMeshReaderPlugin.dll'
'medInria.exe': Loaded 'C:\dev\projects-32\medInria-plugins\build\bin\Release\vtkDataMeshWriterPlugin.dll', Binary was not built with debug information.
'med.exe': Unloaded 'C:\dev\projects-32\medInria-plugins\build\bin\Release\vtkDataMeshWriterPlugin.dll'
'med.exe': Loaded 'C:\Qt\4.8.2\plugins\sqldrivers\qsqlite4.dll', Binary was not built with debug informa

I would appreciate for any help & advice ;)
Those are not errors. Those are mere informational messages. If you have an error doing something, then please describe it here. The messages you show are just telling you that you won't be able to see source code because no PDB file is there for that EXE. If you were to see the call stack, for example, you probably would only see module names plus memory offsets.
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