How do OS work

closed account (ozUkoG1T)
Hey i am not very good with understanding an OS but can anyone tell me how they work in detail i don't like Wikipedia as i am not anywhere that close to understand . So would anyone tell me in detail please thanks in advance
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What's wrong with wikipedia's account?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Cyberwarfare wrote:
...i am not very good with understanding an OS but can anyone tell me how they work in detail...
That would be beyond the scope of this would need a book to explain, in detail, the workings of an OS.
Here is the OSDev Wiki, not Wikipedia:
No one is going to explain everything about an OS in detail, like Grey Wolf said it's a big topic to cover. But if you ask a more specific question we can probably answer it. To get you started, in its most basic sense an Operating System is a suite of software that standardizes1 the way that other software communicates with hardware.

1: These standards very from one version of an OS to the next.
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